Friday, May 4, 2012

A piece of my heart

I made this vector in honor of one of the most honorable man to be ever be a part of my favorite team, FC Barcelona. Pep Guardiola announced his farewell to the club and the fans after 4 years of so many joys and celebrations. He is by far the most successful coach the club has ever seen and he will be highly missed.

The way Pep Guardiola lead Barcelona for the past four years changed the way I see football, and it will always be a joy to remember the last four years of him teaching not only the players, but also the fans, about loyalty, respect, and love. 

For everything you've done...Gracies Pep. 

It's a Doctor Stars of the Rings kind of week

The semester's over! What?! To celebrate such events, I am of course going into nerd mode for a week. Switching majors was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, but I am still such a nerd, the binary code still gets me excited. So, to make my life a little more balanced, I've decided that I'm watching the 6 series of Doctor Who, the 6 episodes of Star Wars and the Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. I think this television show and these movies are a perfect combination of how art and science are extremely closely related, even when I forget that sometimes.

One of my goals for this summer is to be able to make art that relates a lot more to my life past major and my new major. I would like to find the perfect balance, just like these films did. 

Just a thought :)

I started this blog as part of a class I was taking, called Foundations of Digital Media. In this class, I learned about many different tools and ideas that are going to be able to help me throughout my career in digital media.

This semester was my first semester as an art major, and boy did I not know what I was getting myself into. After being so used to working with codes and numbers, doing art for a grade was definitely a different experience and I definitely felt like a newbie even though I have always loved art.

In this class I learned about many different tools that can be used to make digital art, and some of my favorites were tagxedo and vector programs. I never even knew vectors existed or how they were made, and I honestly can't get over how wonderful they are. As I went through the readings for the week when we had to work with vectors, I was honestly amazed at how much you could do with them. Some images looked so realistic and I would love to get to that level of expertise with vectors, that is definitely an area that I would love to look a lot more into.

Another thing I have been noticing because of this class, is that I honestly missed photography. I'm usually very shy, and I don't feel comfortable enough to get up and take pictures in front of many people, but this class made me discover that love I actually have for it. I tend to avoid photography, and also because I don't like showing my work to people, but I think that after this class, and now that summer's here, I think I might start looking a lot more into it.

In this course I also learned that I definitely to pay attention a lot more to deadlines. I hate missing dead lines, and sometimes because i would be so caught up with other projects, I would forget to check back into the discussion board, and I really need to pay attention a lot more to that. I also thought it was really cool that we had a discussion board because it made me think about other people's art instead of just focusing on mine all the time and it definitely opened up a door for me to be more comfortable to discuss art and to be able to be willing to receive criticism from others. 

As an overall, this is definitely a course that I will always look back on to remind me of different tools and ideas that can be used, not only artistically, but also in a more personal level. 

We're all in this together.

Two months, almost by accident, 7 people, 3 girls and 4 guys, decided to stay up just worshiping and praying. We've been wanting to do that for a while, but our plans to come together never worked, until that one night, and it was so wonderful. We spent time with the Lord in a way that changed our lives, and it was one of my favorite nights ever.


Last week we got together to do the same thing, but this time there were 24 of us, and it was such a wonderful experience. Twenty four kids who just got together on a Friday night to pray for each other, to listen to each other, to cry with each other and just to have community with each other. 


I honestly cannot wait to see what else the Lord's going to keep doing through this group of people.

Logo, Line and Mapping

I walked half a mile...half a mile of thoughts and ideas that never came through.
I walked half a heart was yours, but you were the winds'.
I walked half a mile...and I was alive, but death was following me.
I walked half a mile...with beautiful people and lovely sounds
I walked half a mile...let me show you.

I had to walk half a mile and make a project that showed this half a mile.
This represented the cemetery I ended up walking in. I walked with a few friends, including my closest friends, Anna. When we were there, there was a grave of a baby who had passed away after 3 weeks, and her name was Anna. When I saw that I thought about my friendship with Anna, so I decided to make this miniature scultpture of our friendship. 

This jewelry box represented all the crazy thoughts I was having because of a situation with a guy, but then I remembered that God's fairy tale for me is a lot greater than anything I could imagine, and not only that, but He is the best Prince Charming ever, because He loves me so much, that He gave His life for me.

This was the cover of the box where I put all the objects from the project. It includes a map of the continent of America, then of Ohio and Michigan and then the actual half a mile I walked. I made it all the way from Lima, Peru to Toledo, Ohio, to then then go to the middle of nowhere in Michigan, how crazy is that?!

This is a box that also represent the cemetery where I walked. It contains pictures from the walk in the cemetery

This is on the inside of the box. Those were just lyrics of songs I was singing during that specific time. 

Here's a full view of the box with all the tiny pieces from it. 

And, this is what it looks like when you open it. 

This project made me think a lot, it made me realize (again) how crazy I am and how my brain just works so much, even when I try to be in solitude. I did have a lot of fun making the objects for it. I used different materials, like clay, textiles, and different types of pant, etc. It had been a while since I used clay, and now I remember why I love it so much, so hopefully I'll be able to use it a lot more often.
This project went far beyond than just walking a half a mile, it went inside a half a mile in my brain. 

You must know that I do not love and that I love you

This is a set of quotes from Pablo Neruda's poems. I recently decided to buy a book of all his works, and I was so very much intrigued by his writing that I decided to keep track of a few quotes that I like. I must say that it's very hard to pick only a few quotes, but I really like this set.

Everyday I'm Praisin' Him!

This is a collection of videos and pictures from the random times I hang out with people. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to enough thank you's to God for letting me be a part of this community and this awesome story He's writing :D

Para mi?

Lionel Messi is my favorite footballer. His story is so inspiring to me, and I just love love love who he is, so I made this.

The first image is the original image, but I couldn't resist not writing Karla on it because it's the perfect size for it, so here it is.

"For you, Karla"